Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

Chapter 51 Chiyou's Dilemma

The girl's eyes glowed in shock as she nodded her head severally, in agreement, causing several people to be confused and taken aback as well.

They couldn't help rereading Dorian's signboard in silence.

Could it be that this fellow was truly a Divination Master? This thing wouldn't be a fairytale, right?

Everyone scrutinized the young man again while still listening carefully too.

Of course, in the back of their mind, this thing was impossible!

But... But... But what if it were true?


Dorian scrutinized Chiyou's face again before rolling talisman paper and taking out a calligraphy pen, as well as some ink too.

"Miss Chiyou.

Just a month ago, your father suddenly had a major accident in the factory, and your mother also had a deep-rooted accident while working in the kitchen. Coincidentally, your brother also fell ill too. But no matter how many times you took him to the hospital, the doctors all said he was fine. And presently, you also feel weak and heavy from time to time as well, right?"


Chiyou slapped the table in acknowledgment.

The more the Grandmaster spoke, the more she felt that all these things were too coincidental and too abrupt.

What were the odds that everyone in her family would face disasters at once?

No! It was too coincidental.

So could it be that some family member had secretly instructed or done foul play behind the scenes?

p Could it be a jealous worker that worked alongside her parents?

She had watched such scheming movies before and felt that it should be the case.

But what didn't make sense was how her brother had suddenly fallen ill... and how she too was feeling weaker and weaker as the days went by.

Wait! Could they have been poisoned?



Chiyou's mind was going haywire.

At present, she was the only one supporting her entire family.

Her family's entire savings had gone down the drain, just looking for doctors and doctors to treat her father, mother and brother.

She hadn't even considered treating herself yet but was already very discouraged.

Her family was very ordinary, with her parents working within the newly opened factories and bookings around the village.

So she had always paid a lot to come to this nearby city and keep her parents in the hospital.

And as time went by, the bills were charging up, with the doctors carrying out all sorts of tests and checking things out daily to treat her parents.

But no matter what they did, her parent's condition seemed to be getting worse instead.

Additionally, her brother was so ill that even walking was too much for him.

So he stopped going to kindergarten and had to stay with her all day.


Again, she herself was driven out of school after getting framed, and also found work as a waitress.

And typically, she would bring her brother and plead with the manager to keep him in the staff room while she worked.

But today didn't seem like her lucky day.

Her brother accidentally offended the Big Boss of the restaurant who came in for an 'inspection.'

That boss had been trying to get her in his bed but failed.

So he used this excuse to fire her, whispering in her ears that she would be back to beg him.

She was so angry that she wanted to lash out. But suddenly, her brother started feeling bad again.

All these things were happening too fast and too coincidental that now, after listening to Dorian, she suddenly felt it suspicious.

'Chiyou! Chiyou!... Follow the money... Follow the money... Who is behind all of this? Who will gain more without family down?'

She thought long and hard but still couldn't come up with any real enemies. Why? What wrong did her family ever do to that person?

Instantly, grief overcame Chiyou as her heart stumbled over its own rhythm.

She took deep breaths, fighting back her tears while tightening her grip on her little brother.

The more she heard, the more she felt like the person behind the scenes must be someone very powerful.

Then if that was the case, then what if she failed? What if she couldn't save her family in the end?

The weight of it all rested on her shoulders, making it harder for her to breathe.

But was she just going to give up?

No way! She must find out the culprit behind the scene... even if it's the last thing she did!


"Grandmaster. Do you know who is behind it all? I just received my dismissal fee today, and I'm ready to raise and pay whatever amount to find the culprit. I'll also pay to treat my brother as well!"

Everyone listened and was alarmed by her outburst.

They stared googly-eyed at Dorian, with their bodies trembling in shock.

Wait! So... all this Young Master said was true?

How did he do it? How did he know?

Impossible! This must be a game drama set up by the duo.

Like so, more and more people nodded their heads when this thought came up.

The facts had slapped everyone hard and were already before them all.

Yet, they still held the highest doubts possible.

But whether they believed or not, Chiyou didn't care because she believed in him.

No one had heard this Grandmaster speak to her in her mind earlier on.

So they didn't know just how terrifying this Grandmaster might be.

Dorian finished drawing up 4 protective charms, leaned back and gazed at her calmly: "Your problem isn't a human one."


Chiyou and everyone else were confused.

"Grandmaster... what do you mean?"

"Well, it's simple. Your life, as well as your brothers, was supposed to continue going on straight due to the good fortunes of your parents and even your good doings. In fact, within the next few years, your future was supposed to be brighter and powerful than your current life's worth. But unfortunately, someone has stolen your luck."


"I knew it!" She exclaimed in rage while gritting her teeth hard, making everyone watching jump in alarm.

This was crazy!

But to Chiyou, it made so much sense!

This might sound weird, but she always felt like something was constantly being drawn away from her.

She had excellent grades with scholarships. Thus, her parents had never had to pay her tuition.

But then, not too long ago, she got involved in a cheating scandal, which was all fake.

However, no matter how she explained, everyone sneered coldly at her, with some claiming to have seen her cheat before.

Others also claimed that her previous results were also due to cheating.

It was so strange that no one, even her closest teachers, didn't trust her at all.

And for the first time in her life, she felt trapped with nowhere to go.

Everything was just too strange and unbelievable.

But now, she felt like she knew why.


Chiyou laughed maniacally while continuously crying in agony.

Who was it?

Who the bloody hell stole her luck?

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