Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 86 – New round of blessing! The true terror of the Tyrant Bloodline.

Chapter 86 – New round of blessing! The true terror of the Tyrant Bloodline.

Gerhart and his group returned by evening to the manor, where they received plenty of food.

"Mmm! It is good stuff!" Honorius exclaimed as he ravenously ate his food.

"I am glad you like it, young man. I helped make it myself." Bertrand gave a soft smile.

"So you fought a Corrupted Ma Yang, and he could fight both of you? How enviable." Havre bit her lips in frustration, also wanting to fight him.

"Mya, that guy was ridiculous. If it weren't for master's insane blessing, Ray and I would be hard-pressed against him." To-Meri awkwardly scratched her cheek.

"But our lord is even more incredible. He instantly killed an Echo with a punch. I don't know how strong the Echo was, but he is bound to be stronger than Ma Yang." Ray warily said.

"Will we claim the bounty tomorrow?" Qold asked Hope.

"Not immediately." Hope shook her head. "I feel an inauspicious omen. We should prepare before accepting the reward."

"Inauspicious omen, you say? Is it dangerous?" Qold frowned.

"The reward itself is not dangerous, but I sense a hidden threat lurking. But I can't pinpoint it. I am not strong enough in divination and unsure about the threat level. Hence, we decided to postpone for a day." Hope shook her head.

"Then it could be the Royal Family or perhaps another Echo. We should wait for the master to return from the dungeon and raise your talent." Qold said.

"Master sure is hardworking and kind, going to the dungeon to fetch all the remaining energy just so he can bless us," Ariyana muttered.





Gerhart entered the city, bypassing the city curfew with a few swift movements, jumping over the tall city walls before entering the Dungeon Explorer guild and diving into the dungeon solo.

Going to the 1st-floor Obelisk, Gerhart touched it and used his ownership rights to check the situation.

"Hm... No one on the 60th layer, hah? Good enough." Gerhart muttered and teleported to the 60th-floor boss room.

Since Gerhart was the owner, he could teleport to all the Obelisks, and no dungeon monsters would attack him. However, just in case, to avoid being bothered, Gerhart purposely activated the 60th-floor boss mechanism, summoning an Elite Lich and making the doors close.

When the Final Boss and its subordinates saw Gerhart, they immediately knelt. "Master."

"I apologize for summoning you. I will unsummon you soon." Gerhart said.

"Yes, master." The undead motionlessly replied.

Gerhart didn't pay them any more attention as he started absorbing massive amounts of energy from the dungeon for an hour, leaving only ten million for it to operate. He then checked the energy he had and smiled.

Energy: 9,135m

"Good," Gerhart muttered and turned to the waiting undead.

"Thank you for waiting. You may return." Gerhart said.

"Thank you, master." The Lich replied, disappearing.

The doors opened, luckily no one bothering him as Gerhart casually conjured some loot to sell before teleporting out.

After selling the loot, Gerhart left the guild under the cover of night and returned to the manor by running at a ridiculous speed.

Upon returning to the manor, Gerhart called his eager core members to the main hall, including Stella, to evolve their talents again.

On that note, after blessing Stella-


  • Space Storage(Unawakened) -> Superior Space Storage(Evolvable)
  • Favored of Space(Unawakened) -> Adored by Space(Evolvable)
  • Elite Space Magician(Unawakened) -> Superior Space Magician(Evolvable)

And that's it. Stella's race surprisingly remained a Slime Girl(Cleaner) without a sign of mutation. Thankfully, she didn't destroy anything, so Gerhart continued evolving her talents with the others.

Learning from a past mistake, Gerhart fiddled with the blessing options and blocked the sexual talents from being given. He didn't need to enhance them in that department.


  • Superior Butler -> Great Butler
  • Superior Pugilist -> Great Pugilist
  • Superior Lizard Warrior -> Great Lizard Warrior


  • Superior Knight -> Great Knight
  • Superior Battle Instincts -> Great Battle Instincts
  • Born General -> Born Great General


  • Veil of Mysteries -> Great Veil of Mysteries
  • Superior Assassin -> Great Assassin
  • Superior Dagger Dancer -> Great Dagger Dancer
  • Superior Blood Hunter -> Great Blood Hunter


  • Superior Warlock -> Great Warlock
  • Mind of Clearwater -> Great Mind of Clearwater
  • Adored by Demons(Succubi) -> Blessed by Demons(Succubi)


  • Master of All -> Great Master of All
  • Thinktank -> Great Thinktank
  • Superior Technomancer -> Great Technomancer


  • Great Builder
  • Great Architect
  • Great Earth Magician


  • Superior Space Storage -> Great Space Storage
  • Adored by Space -> Blessed by Space
  • Superior Space Magician -> Great Space Magician


  • Initial Aspect of the Cat Goddess -> Beginner Aspect of the Cat Goddess
  • Initial Boundless Agility(New)
  • Initial Absolute Dexterity(New)
  • Initial Domain of Charm(New)
  • Initial Domain of Luck(New)

{Unique Talent - Initial Domain of Charm: Gives attunement to the Universal Domain of Charm.}

{Unique Talent - Initial Domain of Luck: Gives attunement to the Universal Domain of Luck.}


  • Initial Claircognizance -> Beginner Claircognizance
  • Initial Super Intelligence(New)
  • Initial Phenomenal Instincts(New)
  • Initial Domain of Time(New)
  • Initial Domain of Possibility(New)


  • Initial Sword Saint -> Beginner Sword Saint
  • Initial Boundless Agility(New)
  • Initial Absolute Dexterity(New)
  • Initial Aura Sovereignty(New)
  • Initial Domain of Blades(New)
  • Sword God Bloodline(Human Variant)(100%)(New!)

Energy: 9,135m -> 6,496m

Once everyone finished evolving their talents and leveled up, the group was noticeably different. Those with regular talents were more refined and powerful. One look at them, and people could tell they were extraordinary people. However, to Gerhart's surprise, none of them awakened any bloodline. They were just that, gifted individuals. That wasn't to say it was too bad, but that meant Gerhart had to buy them bloodlines if they wanted to reach the level of Hope, Havre, and To-Meri. (Save for Qold and Stella. They had a different route.)

The three women awakened four Initial Compound Talents, and Havre developed the Sword God Bloodline. Accordingly, their changes were the most significant, especially Havre.

To-Meri became more charming, and her air of luck significantly increased. Two of her talents were geared toward Agility and Dexterity, while the other two were weird ones geared toward the Domains of Luck and Charm. Gerhart didn't know what those did, but it didn't take a genius to know To-Meri's Bloodline is not for combat. Her entire thing was to bless others with luck and fortune through sex and dancing, so it did make sense. It was only too bad she couldn't have proper guidance to unleash this power. For now, she was aimlessly guessing how to use her powers.

Hope had a different air about her. It was as if she knew everything, and nothing could surprise her. In a way, her combat prowess didn't directly increase, but her utility was that much better, even gaining the domains of Time and Probability. But just like To-Meri, Hope lacked guidance, relying on the intuitive usage of her abilities.

Like Hope and To-Meri, Havre gained golden tattoos, appearing sharp and electric. Her refined and flawless appearance and temperament upped by a level, and her edge was sharper. True to her talent description, she is the top talent of the sword, a pure combatant.

When Gerhart looked at Havre's bloodline, he sensed that in pure combat prowess, it was superior to the Tyrant Bloodline. However, the Tyrant Bloodline held an edge over her bloodline, and that was survival and reproductive capabilities.

In the test of time, a powerful bloodline with poor reproductive abilities might be initially strong, but it was bound to deteriorate before going extinct. In contrast, one that can maintain its bloodline purity for generations and has high adaptivity could survive longer. That was likely why the Tyrant Bloodline outlived all other bloodlines, maintaining dominance for thousands of generations.

Thinking of this, Gerhart understood the importance of the Epitome of Masculinity. It was how the Kerus Dynasty maintained the purity of its bloodline even with only one surviving male descendant, surviving many disasters over many years. The other bloodlines, however, would not last more than a couple of generations without an entire clan to maintain bloodline purity!

That was also why he found so many bloodlines he never heard about in the dungeon. It was because they all went extinct! They rarely resurfaced on individuals, giving them vestiges of past glory and a chance to revive.

Gerhart suddenly remembered his bloodline vision. His great-ancestor likely fathered over a hundred pure-blooded children, and these children fathered thousands of pure-blooded children, giving that vision of thousands of Tyrant Bloodline warriors attacking monsters in the wild.

"Now I get it. Now I understand the true terror of the Tyrant Bloodline. It is not to be the most powerful but to outlive and out-reproduce the other party, mass-producing top-level and almost unkillable warriors that can also mass-reproduce. Truly, this is a tyrannical bloodline." Gerhart thought.

While he was thinking about that, everyone already finished evolving their talents. It took several hours of guarding them, but it was worth it.

"Havre, please guard me while I evolve the rest of my talents. The rest can go and rest in other rooms." Gerhart said and stood up from the staircase.

"Yes, my lord." The other core members nodded and returned to their various rooms.

Gerhart also returned to his room, and under Havre's protection, he evolved the last two talents- Strength Supremacy and the Epitome of Masculinity. Yes, he also developed the Epitome of Masculinity. Although it was cringy, it was still a serviceable talent- And it made his nightlife much more fun. Naturally, his Strength rose to SSS grade as a freebie. With this, he had no corner to improve.

Energy: 6,496m -> 5,487m

By the time the improvement wave ended, it was morning. The sun was shining, and the birds were singing.

"Thank you, Havre. Please rest- Oh." Gerhart noticed Havre was out of it again, a big wet area between her legs.

"Right. It has been several days of abstinence for Havre, and this talent has the sole purpose of wooing women and passing on the bloodline." Gerhart helplessly thought.

He was indeed feeling helpless about this ridiculous talent. It made even a Sword Saint helplessly attracted to his D.

"Havre, do you want to do it?" Gerhart directly asked.

"... If you would allow it, my lord." Havre blushed with a mixture of shame and excitement. She was ashamed of herself for falling for the same thing again but excited that she could finally scratch that annoying itch.

"Then strip and come here," Gerhart grinned, opening the blanket to invite her in.

Havre stripped with lightning speed before hopping inside the bed.




Qold, who was neglected and starving for several days, figured her master finished evolving and wanted to give him some morning service. But just when she was close to the door, she heard obscene noises from inside. She smelled a scent that sent her Succubus Instincts on overdrive and didn't hesitate to enter the room, witnessing an awe-inspiring scene.

She saw the mighty Sword Saint, defeated in a disgracefully delicious way.

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