Ah! The Villains I Forced to Turn Evil Can Read My Mind

Chapter 63

Chapter 63

Little Xie wiped her tears while sending the message out.

Soon, the comment section was flooded with over 99 comments.

「Go buy it, ask Little Shi to deliver it for you!」

Little Xie was crying in the housekeeping staff's breakroom, replying:【No, our staff's packages can't be delivered here. If they find out, I'll definitely get fired.】

「…I don't quite understand. If you get fired, so what? Is it that hard to find a job? Aren't you a college graduate? Why do you have to humble yourself and work such a job? What's the difference between that and being a servant? Why not find a more respectable job?」

Of course, before Little Xie could respond, her fan group had already stepped in to counter:「The blogger earns 30,000 a month, with five insurances and one fund included. Can you guarantee she'll earn 30,000 elsewhere?」

「The Qing Dynasty has been gone for how many years now? It's not like she's serving on her knees every day or working in the red-light district. She's earning an honest living, so why call her a servant?」

「I'm working myself to death every day, feeling like I'm about to collapse, and I don't even earn as much as the blogger! Mortgage, car loan, daily expenses, even medical bills—where isn't money needed? To just say 'get fired' so lightly, you make it sound so easy!」

「Do you know the blogger's family situation? How dare you judge so arrogantly? Are jobs divided by high and low status?」

「Blogger, if you lose your job, send me your address, I'll take your place. [Dog face]」

「Don't worry, I'll take your place too. I already have seven young masters and one beautiful Miss Eight to support!」

"Everyone, stop stimulating the blogger. She mentioned she's from a single-parent family, her dad died in an accident when she was young. Her grandma took the compensation money and kicked her and her mom out. She was raised by her mom alone. Her mom, with no education, worked hard to raise her. Now her mom can't do physical labor anymore and only earns a few thousand a month by working in the kitchen, peeling vegetables. They don't even own a house and live in rented places, relying entirely on the blogger to support the family."

「That's right, the blogger is very filial. She once said she took this housekeeping job because it pays well and is stable. She doesn't need to work her way up; she can earn right away. She wants to save money to buy a house for her mom, so her mom doesn't have to live in rentals and keep moving around. She also wants her mom to live a bit easier.」

「So what do we do now? If the blogger performs poorly, Miss Eight will definitely be unhappy.」

「Has Miss Eight explicitly said she's firing you? Can't you plead your case?」

「You must be a new fan. The blogger once documented that a colleague was about to get fired, and she cried pleading for mercy, but it didn't work. Second Young Master fired her, and he had no time to listen to our poor people's sob stories. Pleading is a big taboo; it's better to leave with dignity.」

「Isn't Miss Eight said to be very beautiful and easy to talk to? Pleading should be fine…」

「It feels a bit scary. From our perspective, it's an exotic glimpse into the daily lives of the top young masters. But from the young masters' perspective, the blogger is just a diligent mouse moving things around. If the mouse doesn't do its job well, they'll just replace it. How could they care about the mouse's fate?」

Little Xie was sobbing uncontrollably but dared not cry out loud, burying her head.

If she really got fired, where could she find a job like this?

The housing prices in Lan City are so high, and she still needs tens of thousands to afford a decent down payment.

What should she do?!


Qiao Chuchu entered the room carrying a white paper bag: “Little Xie?”

Little Xie was no longer in her room.

She dialed Little Xie's phone: “It's me, come to my room.”

Little Xie mumbled in acknowledgment, and Qiao Chuchu hung up, placing the newly bought phone on the table.n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

Just moments ago, she had urgently sent her driver to take her to the mall to buy a new phone for Little Xie, along with a stylish phone case and a self-adhesive dust-free screen protector.

It would serve as Little Xie's birthday gift!

In the breakroom, Little Xie hung up the phone, her breath quickening.

Through teary eyes, she sent another message:【Miss Eight is calling me to see her now. Wish me luck.】

A group of curious netizens quickly gathered under this post.

「Ahhhh, I'm so nervous! I'm already nervous for the blogger!」

「Don't let the house collapse, my Miss Eight! I got into this because of her! I don't like smelly men, wahhhh, please don't let Miss Eight fire the blogger!」

「Wait, if the blogger really gets fired, I won't be able to see the Cloud Young Masters anymore?! Miss Eight, please don't fire the blogger, ahhh!」

「Help! One sister just reminded me, if the blogger gets fired, I won't see my seven husbands anymore! Miss Eight, have mercy! I'm your sister-in-law you've never met!!」

「Me too, I'm also a sister-in-law! Miss Eight, let go of the blogger! Or replace the blogger with me!!」

「Help! Miss Eight, show great kindness and spare the blogger! Don't delay me from cloud-raising my seven sons!」

「Dancing a ritual dance in the blogger's comment section to exorcise evil and pray for blessings!!」

Little Xie took a deep breath, bracing herself like a warrior, and walked into Qiao Chuchu's room.

The delicate fragrance hit her face, making her nose tingle and her heart ache: “Miss Eight, you called for me.”

Qiao Chuchu was sitting in a single sofa, busy replying to messages, not even glancing up: “Mhm, come here.”

Little Xie walked up to her, sniffling.

If Miss Qiao was going to let her go, she would plead her case, even if it meant taking a pay cut!

As she was imagining this, a white bag suddenly appeared in front of her: “Open it and see.”

Little Xie was stunned, obediently taking it and pulling out the contents.

It was an iPhone.

She looked at Qiao Chuchu in disbelief: “This is…?”

Qiao Chuchu smiled at her: “A birthday gift for you.”

Little Xie: “?!”

Qiao Chuchu explained: “The iPhone 15 Pro Max, the latest model right now. I didn't know what color you liked, so I got white. And since you have a lot to handle, I got the 1TB version. I also bought AppleCare+, so if the screen ever breaks, you can get a new one at the official store for just a few hundred. Open it and take a look!~”

Little Xie's head was buzzing, and by the time she came to her senses, her tears were already falling in big drops.

Her voice trembled: “Is… is it really for me?”

Qiao Chuchu was even more surprised: “Of course, why are you crying?”

Little Xie's mouth puckered, and she couldn't stop crying: “I never expected to receive a phone from Miss, and such an expensive one at that. I've never bought a phone over four thousand…”

She lowered her head, taking out a phone case from the bag, crying: “Wahhh, the phone case is so festive, and it even says 'Get Rich'!”

Little Xie opened the phone box, taking out the phone. The cold, new device even fogged up from the warmth of her hands: “It's so new it's even steaming!”

Qiao Chuchu couldn't help but laugh: “It's because of the winter weather, it won't do that in summer. I also bought you a dust-free screen protector, so you can do the installation yourself.”

Little Xie's face was scrunched up from crying: “This is the best birthday gift I've ever received, thank you, Miss!”

Qiao Chuchu smiled contentedly: “I'm glad you like it.”

“I really, really like it!” Little Xie held the phone, crying: “I love it so much!!”

Seeing her so exaggerated, Qiao Chuchu couldn't help but chuckle.

Little Xie's reaction completely exceeded her expectations.

She ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌‌​​​​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​​​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​‌‌​​‌​‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​​​​​​‌‌‌​​​​​‌‌​‌‌​‍thought Little Xie would just be pleasantly surprised, but instead, she was crying her eyes and nose out.

She smiled and said: “I just called the butler to ask about your situation.”

Little Xie: “!”

So she was still going to fire her?!

Was this phone the final warmth before the cold?

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