Ah! The Villains I Forced to Turn Evil Can Read My Mind

Chapter 56

Chapter 56

In a scene where everyone could hear the confession, the atmosphere was so awkward that no one could bring themselves to speak first.

The snow was falling harder and harder.n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

In the midst of the swirling snow, a poignant BGM echoed in everyone's ears—

"If you could start over, would you love me~"

"Love brings joy but also torment~"

"The love river we once walked together, now drowned in my tears, has become a river of pain~~"

Lin Shen stood in front of Qiao Chuchu, his eyebrows furrowed, his eyes filled with deep affection.

It was as if he were the singer pouring his heart out.

Qiao Chuchu swallowed hard, glancing at the deliveryman who had stopped nearby to play the old song on his speaker.

The deliveryman finished his delivery, hopped on his scooter, and sped off into the distance.

Leaving only the echo of the song: "If you could start over, would you love me~~" fading into the distance.

She was so embarrassed that she could have dug an Elsa Ice Palace with her toes, silently adding in her mind: **[No.]**

**[If I could do it all over again, I wouldn't want to fall in love with anyone. It's just too painful.]**

Lin ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​​​​​​‌‌​​‌​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌‌​​​​‌‌​​​‌​​​‌‌‌​​‌​​‌‌​​‌​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​‌‌​​​‌​​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌​‌​​‌‌​‌‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​​‌​​​‌‌​​​​​‌‌​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌‌​​‌‍Shen's gaze instantly dimmed, his eyelashes drooping, looking like a big golden retriever who had been let down.

Weisheng Yucan signed to Huai Ling: "She's rejecting him in her heart."

"I can hear it," Huai Ling signed back, smiling slyly. "And I understand."

Yucan raised an eyebrow, glancing at Qiao Chuchu, then at Huai Ling, who was smiling with a mischievous glint in her eye. He let out a meaningful "Oh~"

Qiao Chuchu was still racking her brain, trying to figure out how to refuse him.

Lin Shen suddenly spoke: "Qiao Chuchu, you don't have to think about it."

She looked at him in surprise.

He smiled bitterly: "I was too hasty. Leaving for three years caused a lot of damage to our relationship. I don't want to force you, and pursuing you is my own business. I don't need an answer from you right now. I have time to wait."

His dim eyes were once again lit with tiny sparks: "Three years ago, I left you, but I never forgot you for a single day. I know my own answer, and now I just need to wait for yours."

Qiao Chuchu's heart skipped a beat as she stared at him.

**[Yes, Lin Shen is such a wonderful person. Talented but not arrogant, respectful to everyone, and his gentleness and persistence are his trademarks. That's why I once genuinely liked him.]**

Lin Shen's eyes sparkled, and the corners of his mouth gradually lifted.

Lin Qing watched this scene in a daze.


So heartwarming.

But does anyone remember her original goal was to get Qiao Chuchu to stay at her house?

Now that Lin Shen's confession had failed, wasn't that completely out of the question?!

Lin Qing grabbed Qiao Chuchu's shoe: "Lend me!"

Qiao Chuchu: "?"

Lin Qing raised her hand and smacked Lin Shen on the shoulder: "You're so useless!"

Lin Shen: "?! What are you doing?!"

Lin Qing, full of frustration, scolded and hit him: "The timing was wrong, the time was wrong, the place was wrong! And you went off-topic!"

Lin Shen backed away, shouting at her: "Lin Qing, don't push me to hit you!"

Lin Qing was furious, chasing after him: "I let you use your brain, and you ended up connecting with her heart! And you failed at that! What am I supposed to do now?!"

Qiao Chuchu watched in shock: "Why is Lin Qing so angry?"

Pei Youchuan, enjoying the chaos, said: "Nothing much. She just got dumped by her boyfriend a couple of days ago, and she's been like a ticking bomb ever since. Stay as far away from her as possible, or she might bite."

Lin Qing's voice echoed from a distance: "Pei Youchuan, stop sticking your nose in!"

She stomped over to Qiao Chuchu, shouting to prove herself: "Look, I'm perfectly calm, I'm not angry at all!!!"

Qiao Chuchu: "……"

Lin Qing gritted her teeth: "I should have known all men are useless!"

She grabbed Qiao Chuchu's hand: "Qiao Chuchu, come stay at my place. I'll call over some sexy male models to keep you company, and they'll dance for you. Super hot!"

Qiao Chuchu: "?"

Lou Tingsi walked up, giving Lin Qing a dark look: "What's this? My son, Lou Yuejue, really wants Qiao Chuchu to help him. He's been crying himself to sleep."

Lin Qing: "? Your son handles a gun better than I do, and you're saying he's scared of nightmares?"

Lou Tingsi smiled: "Miss Lin Qing, you're joking. Guns can't be taken into dreams."

Weisheng Yucan walked directly over to Qiao Chuchu, gently persuading her: "Chuchu, my sister really wants a chance to repay you. How about giving her a chance? Come stay at my place tonight, okay?"

Pei Youchuan was displeased: "Why are you acting like Qiao Chuchu has no home? She's going to stay with us."

Lin Qing held onto Qiao Chuchu's hand tightly, afraid she'd refuse: "Male models are so much fun, way more interesting than your grumpy brothers. If you don't like men, I can get women instead. Either way, just come stay at my place."

Weisheng Yucan: "Come to my place. Tomorrow, I'll have all the top brands send over their latest collections. Pick whatever you like."

Lou Tingsi sincerely invited: "Chuchu, my son really likes you as a sister. He doesn't have a mother, you know. Help me, his father, out."

Weisheng Yucan scoffed: "If your son doesn't have a mother, just remarry. Is it that hard for you to find a wife? And you, an old man, inviting a twenty-something girl to your place? Isn't that a bit inappropriate?"

Lou Tingsi, his smile not reaching his eyes, replied: "First of all, my son can go to Qiao Chuchu's place. I won't remarry. I don't like women."

Lin Qing laughed at him: "Ha! Don't like women but still have a kid? Do you think we don't know how reproduction works?"

Lou Tingsi smiled sweetly: "My son is a test-tube baby. Any problems?"

Lin Qing: "……"

Lin Shen: "……"

Weisheng Yucan: "……"

The Pei family: "……"

Lou Yuejue is a test-tube baby.

Which means that the thirty-four-year-old Lou Tingsi is still…

Everyone thought of the same word, their lips curling in a knowing smile.

Lou Tingsi, his smile sharp like a knife, gritted his teeth: "Whatever you're thinking, stop right there."

Qiao Chuchu looked completely unperturbed.

**[What could they be thinking? Surely not that Lou Tingsi had a son but is still a virgin, right?]**

Lou Tingsi: "?"

Everyone burst out laughing!

Lin Qing couldn't straighten up from laughing: "Oh my god, that's hilarious hahahahahahahahahahaha!"

Pei Youchuan laughed so hard he almost fell over: "Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

Qiao Chuchu: "?"

**[What are they laughing at? That Lou Tingsi is a virgin dad? Is that weird?]**

Lou Tingsi clenched his teeth, smiling at Qiao Chuchu: "Miss Qiao, my head hurts."

Qiao Chuchu was puzzled: "Why ask me? I can't cure headaches."

Everyone couldn't hold back their laughter: "Hahahahahaha!"

Qiao Chuchu: "……"

In this world that mirrored the novel's setting, it wasn't strange at all for both men and women to be virgins.

**[Even my seven brothers don't have any romantic experiences. I bet even the eldest, Pei Yuan, still has his first kiss.]**

The Pei brothers suddenly stopped laughing.

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